What can you do here after signing up?

1. Sever management ( General settings )

  • Banner (Image: 600x480px), note that banner size must be exact.
  • Server name (Text field)
  • IP:Port (Text field)
  • Country (Select)
  • Website (URL field)
  • Discord (URL field)
  • Whitelisted? (Checkbox)
  • Player slots (Number)
  • Type: Vanilla / Modded (Select)
  • Password (Text)
  • Focus: PvP/PvE/Crafting/Trading/Roleplay (Select)
  • Long description (Text), this is the most important field about your server. Servers with high quality description tend to attract more players as they can actually read about you, your server and everything that you do there. Do not neglect this field and you will be rewarded!

2. Account management

  • Profile image.
  • Twitch (Link)
  • YouTube (Link)
  • Bio
  • Delete account

In addition:

  • Users can write reviews.
    If submitted, the review + the given rating[1/5] is visible under <your server> and applied to <your profile>.
    Rating is also used as sorting option.
  • Ability to send messages to other users.
  • Server favorites.
  • Claim & Report servers.

Creating an account and the submission of a server is free.

My server is still pending?
– All submissions are reviewed manually (intentional), so it could take up to 12 hours for your listing to go live.
My hosting is in a country which is not supported. I also have few additional questions :
– Contact [ System] .

Sign In


Please note that our mail server is brand new and you might need to check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.