

Welcome to Deathrattle!

Do you have a job? A family? Other activities that take up time? Then Death Rattle is the server for you.

Aimed at creating a community towards a more mature audience with focus on beginners and casual players. Those without much gaming that wants to play but have limited free time.

We aim to create a server and community that can live for a long time. Where decisions about wipes and things that affect the server in a major way are made as a collective.

The difficulty is set high to brutal to encourage a long playthrough and keep the game challenging through all content as well as to encourage working together between clans and creating both permanent and temporary alliances.


Siege has been disabled as we want to focus on building aesthetically instead of ‘efficient’.

There are currently 20 slots but will get upgraded if those are filled.
There will be a community discord that is voluntary to join.

The start of the server is scheduled to Thursday 2024-05-16 20:00 GMT +1.


Server Settings
Group size: DUO | PVP
Difficulty: Brutal
Standard settings

Server Custom Settings
Siege Disabled: Focus on building cool instead of efficient, world PVP is enough, breaking each other’s stuff isn’t cool.
Body Loot: Only clan members. The feeling of losing everything sucks, especially if game time is limited and it is a hard to get farming time.

World PVPs is always enabled and encouraged, camping and being a general douchebag for no reason is not.

Admin rights will not be enabled on any user and will not be used for anything. Even if something is lost to a bug or error admin rights will not be used to recreate anything. Only in the event of a critical failure of the server will a backup be used

No harassment
Stay Respectful
Be nice.
No camping.
Cheaters will be banned immediately.

Sign In


Please note that our mail server is brand new and you might need to check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.