GoldenAge SMP

[ GoldenAge SMP ]
What server software do you run?
We use CraftBukkit 1337 Beta 1.8.1 Java 8.
What is the whitelist status?
We currently have over twenty whitelisted players, and are looking for more. All you have to do is simply fill out a three-question form for security reasons and that’s pretty much it.
What kind of server is this?
This is a Factions SMP utilizing Essentials and its economy to assist me and admins with rulebreakers as well as to promote selling and buying between real players. I don’t believe in having a say in what you all do!
What can I do?
Anything kid you might have wanted to do. Start a town, be a leader, or start a clan of bandits, or be a businessman! Just enjoy yourself.
What kind of rules are there?
We are a no-tolerance zero grief PvE server, with the exception of diplomacy, and mutually dueling another player.
How do I join?
Join the Discord server below! If you need assistance, or whitelisted, you can contact me directly through my DMs or in the public chats on the communications server.
Where is the IP?
The IP is in the rules (#the-code) channel when you arrive in the Discord.
What plugins do you use?
WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Factions, Lockette, Essentials (Spawn and Chat), AuthMe, MCMMO

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