Minecraft Gamers

Hello, Fellow Minecrafters!
Are you looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Do you want to experience classic and immersive gameplay with a friendly and active community? If you answered yes, then you should check out MinecraftGamers, the best SMP survival server in 2024!

MinecraftGamers is a server that offers a lot of features and benefits for its players, such as:

Almost completely vanilla gameplay, so you don’t get frustrated with a ton of new features and mods.

A bounty plugin, you can become a bounty hunter, or set bounties on others.

A world border that will increase by 1000 blocks for every 50 players that join the discord server.

A community that is easy to integrate into so you don’t feel alone.

AntiCheat, AntiXray, so everything is fair for everyone.

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