Valheim Abenteuer

Valheim Abenteuer

Join Our Modded Role-Play/PvP Server!
Are you interested in joining an immersive Valheim Role-Play server?
Do you want to explore dynamic PvP elements in a clan-based environment?
Have you ever wanted to discover and trade in unique villages within Valheim?
Are you excited to interact with customized NPCs and engage in in-depth role-playing scenarios?
Do you enjoy using mods that enhance your gameplay experience with quality-of-life improvements and new features?
Are you ready to join a community of dedicated players on our new server launching July 7th?
Want to be part of a thriving Valheim world where you can build, trade, and battle with other clans?

Then let us know and join our Valheim community!

We’re launching on July 7th and look forward to welcoming you!

More info:
Clans and Building:
There will be one clan for each of the 7 biomes, each with space for 5 members. To create a clan, at least 3 players are required.
Clans can only build in their respective territories. Players who do not belong to a clan can build anywhere but not directly near other clans.

Game Progression:
Bosses, cities, and markets will be unlocked over time.
Gold plays an essential role and can be used for almost everything.

Villages and Markets:
Cities and markets are green zones (PvP-free). Any player can easily access these locations.
In villages, players can view structures created by numerous artists and purchase items like equipment, food, or potions from NPC traders.
On marketplaces, all types of trade can be conducted between players and clans. All transactions are carried out using the currency Gold.

Clan bases cannot be attacked unless an event allows it and are generally considered PvE zones.
In the open world, PvP is always enabled, and gravestones can be looted.

Social Interactions:
Once a clan is chosen, members have the option to communicate via the clan’s voice chat or text channel.
There is also an in-game communication method.

Each clan starts with a small hut full of initial building resources, a ward that protects the surroundings, and the necessary conditions to survive in their chosen biome. For example, if the starting point is in the mountains, there will be cloaks to prevent freezing.
Additionally, each clan has 3 portals: 1 fixed portal that leads to the Stone Circle and 2 mobile portals to better explore the starting areas.

We use the Marketplace mod to enable marketplaces and the use of NPCs. Additionally, we have several quality of life mods and a few minor gameplay changers installed.

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Please note that our mail server is brand new and you might need to check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

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