Midgard [PhValheim]

Midgard [PhValheim]

Midgard runs on our public PhValheim Server backend. Swing by our Discord to chat! Our goal is to provide a safe and secure place to spend our Valheim time without the worry of losing progress and dealing with infants.

– World Rules:
• Don’t be a d*ck.
• Oh, and don’t be a d*ck.

– Specs:
• Hosted in California
• Symmetric gigabit fiber
• Worlds are backed up every hour

– If you’re an immature infant who figured out how to google Valhiem hacks and you find a way to finagle access, you will be permanently banned. No questions asked.

– How does it work?

PhValheim client syncs the remote world server files w/mods to your local machine. Every time the world updates, your client updates on launch. This keeps the in-game experience identical across players. This includes all mods, configurations, bootstraps and patchers. Your installation is not modified except for the BepInEx bootstrap libraries. Every PhValheim world can be different with different mods and configurations. You must own a copy of Valheim via Steam. Windows and Linux clients are supported.

• First off, don’t be a d*ck.

• This is an allowlist only world. This means you must gain our trust before we allow you access to our PhValheim world dashboard. See above regarding childish behavior. Once you gain our trust, you must provide us with your Steam ID. If you don’t know what this means, you can google it, E.g., 7656119799719xxxx. Your Steam ID will be added to the “Citizens List” again, look at the PhValheim Server info if you’re interested in understanding how PhValheim works.

• Point your browser to https://phvalheim.com and login with your Steam account.

• Install the PhValheim client (top right of the UI)

• Click “Launch!” on the world you want to join. In this case, “Midgard”.

– We’re just a few guys that have professional experience with infrastructure and love Valheim. We do it for the fun and community. If you have suggestions or are even willing to help moderate, we’re happy to bring you into the inner circle.

Visit our Discord to see the current list of running mods.

Sign In


Please note that our mail server is brand new and you might need to check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.