Numenos Gaming Community

Numenos is a multi-game community with a focus on Valheim and its own dedicated server. Here you can hang out, play with us, drink mead while having nice conversations, or watch movies.

Regarding our Valheim server, we just updated to Ashlands! We are about 8 active people, really mixed progression. Some have only defeated Bonemass, others have defeated the Queen. We use Anti Cheat and Server Characters for reasons of fairness, so you have to start with a new char, but catching up is easy!

If you don’t mind coming into an already developed world full of amazing content, settlements and quests, that nonetheless still has lots of space for new settlements and room for you to make your mark, you might love this! 🙂

Give it a try and join us! All that is required is you own Valheim on Steam and are 18+. Send me a DM if you are interested and talk to you soon! 🙂


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